Monday, March 7, 2011

Valentine's Day

Okay fuckers, blah blah blah Vday haters to the left I get it made up holiday who gives a shit. I always liked this holiday because of the candy and the color red, and the fact that romantic movies play on TV and because cards are fun. It’s like Halloween but everyone’s costume is the same and it’s LIES. Seeing people in love is nice and being reminded that love is real and comes in all forms is nice too. Guess what, Christmas/Easter/ALL HOLIDAYS are made up in the initial interest of profit so how about you get over yourselves number one and henceforth number two a holiday devoted to Love? Not a bad idea.

But here is what SUCKS BALL SACKS: The people who live in fantasies. The people who are in relationships because they enjoy the idea of relationships, not the actual relationships they’re in or the people they’re in them with. The people who stay where they are hurt or abused or bored out of their minds and the people who don’t give their actual soul mates a chance or even a second look because maybe they’re not automatically the prime physical fit. You say I’m naive for judging people on their personality FUCK YOU go suck off a terrorist.

Valentine’s Day is hated not so much because we’re reminded that we are lonely, but because we’re reminded we are lonely for COMPLETELY BULLSHIT REASONS. You’re too much of a pussy to see what is perfect right in front of you. One day you say you’re not sure and you want out, but on the 14th day of the 2nd month you’re spouting “I love you” which means FUCKING NOTHING TO YOU ANYMORE just because you want to get laid and live in your little fantasy box that things work out like Hugh Grant movies. Fuck off. Just fuck off with your insult to injury, you absolute cruel and unobservant mongrels of heartbreak. I hate you all today you fakers, and forevermore, and beyond death when I am just particles breaking down they will still be teeming with such disdain for your attitude, ignorance and cowardice that somebody’s kid will think their room is haunted.

You’d rather settle than brave the world alone. I will never do that, and that makes me more lovable and brave and special and wonderful than 99.9% of the assholes you’ll meet or date and if you never ever ever notice that then fuck you eternally.

Sit and spin, dicks.

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