Saturday, December 26, 2009

you wanted to kiss me in that space. i know. our names carved on a park bench. geometric secrets scrawled invisible. blooming shadow in the dead of night. dark blue. invisible. where are you now and why did you leave. tangible space, ghost figures i draw in my mind with no color. we're not there but we are. you're not here but i am. you're just not here. memory is loss. we are not who we were. will you remember me, plum sky? a necklace of lights. your eyes twinkled from them and now they are choking me. break the clasp, shatter the beads, erase you quickly so i can breathe. save me. i'm no good when i'm dead. no hope for hope. i love you but i just realized i don't miss you. in disappearing you unveiled my apathy. congratulations, ghost. congratulations.

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